Mathematical Machines and Systems. 2006 #1



UDC 681.3+611.8
Hopfield ensembles in lateral neurostructures of the the cerebral cortex / Reznik О.M. // Mathematical Machines and Systems. – 2006. – N 1. – P. 3 – 12.
It is proposed the model of mechanism of associative memory as set of local groups of neurons, creating layers of cerebral cortex, named by Hopfield’s ensembles. Ensemble consists of near 3 thousands of cells and can remember hundreds of partners of nervous activity. Set of overlaping ensembles answer the model of the rare Hopfield net. The new results of researches of this model, allowing interpretation of a number characteristics of neuron ensembles. The are discribed experiments of memory full restoration after extracting the part of connections of the neuron net and repeated remembering independent images, reproducing the effect of recovery of amnesia by remembering the sickman of the forgot images. Figs.: 4. Refs.: 27 titles.

UDC 519.2+612.8
Imitating probabilistic model of dendritic tree of neuron / Bondarenko Ya.S. // Mathematical Machines and Systems. – 2006. – N 1. – Р. 13 – 27
The present paper offers an imitative theoretical-probabilistic model of dendritic tree. The algorithm of simulation of the dendrite is realized in the program of imitation of dendritic tree. Dendrite of neuron is an ordered set of segments, each of them ends with a branch point (branching is binary) or an end of dendrite. Lengths of segments, angles between segments, sampling intervals, distances between growth points of the subtrees, the number of sampling intervals in segment and other numerical characteristics are random variables. The distribution of the value of the angle between the mother and the daughter segments, distribution of the value of the intermediate angle, distribution of the length of the sampling intervals, probability of the branching of segments, probability of the growth continuation of segments with subtrees and segments without subtrees, probability of the occurrence of subtree, probability of the forming of the segment as the segment with subtrees and the segment without subtrees are substituted in probability model. The work of algorithm and the adequacy of probability model of dendrite tree are verified on the example of Purkinje cells. Figs: 7. Tabl.: 8. Refs.: 26 titles.

UDC 681.324
The system analysis of efficiency of functioning of a broadband transport platform of intellectual networks / Lastovchenko M.M., Rusetskiy V.E., Yaroshenko V.N. // Mathematical Machines and Systems. – 2006. – N 1. – P. 28 – 39.
Criteria of efficiency of functioning of a network with formalization of processes of routing with reconfiguration are resulted. Requirements to system of the models reproducing processes of routing and reconfiguration are submitted. Models of the system analysis are submitted on the basis of the theory of mass service and an example, illustrating results of the system analysis. Figs.: 7. Refs.: 24 titles.

UDC 519.2+600.1
Characteristic’s estimations of hyper-random values / Gorban I.I. // Mathematical Machines and Systems. – 2006. – N 1. – P. 40 – 48.
The work continues the cycle of the research in special non-determine phenomena that are hyper-random ones. Such phenomena are similar to random ones, however the probable measure absents for them. In the article, the mathematical convergence’s conception for hyper-random values has been proposed, methodology for forming estimations of theirs characteristics has been developed, and the convergence of the estimates has been researched. Fig.: 1. Refs.: 8 titles.

UDC 681.3
Thinking computers/ Yashchenko V.A. // Mathematical Machines and Systems. – 2006. – N 1. – P. 49 – 58.
In the paper, the conception of creation of intellectual computers and systems, as alive beings, feeling, cognizing and reflecting on the basis of modeling neurophysiological brain properties - unconditional and conditional reflexes, feelings, cognizing, thinking with use of new technology of the information processing is considered. The new technology of the information processing (semantic and neural-like growing networks) is developed on the bases of the analysis and synthesis of knowledge produced by physiologists and scientists of the various directions of Computer science, Neural-like growing network is a new class of neuron networks, which represent growing, dynamic, structure, changing in dependence on meaning and time of information receipt on receptors and also the previous state of the network. The information about concepts, objects and situations of the external (physical) world is represented by the ensembles of the exited neural-like elements of network and connections between them. The set of steady connections of described conception, object or situation, providing its integrity and identity to itself is formed.
Storing descriptions of objects and situations is accompanied by input neural-like elements and connections into the network when trasiting some group of receptors and neural-like elements into the state of exitation, i.e. during perception of the information and training the network reconstructs its structure and thus the internal (virtual) world adequate to physical one is formed. The proposed conception, which unites physical and virtual worlds has universal character. Such approach gives the new basis for development and mass manufacture of advanced self-learning computers, intellectual systems and robots. The last can be applied in civil and military areas, especially for performing actions in unpredictable situations and dangerous environments. Figs.: 8. Refs.: 9 titles.


UDC 519.862
V. Balatskiiy Model of taxes / Alekseyev A. A. // Mathematical Machines and Systems. – 2006. – N 1. – Р. 59 – 65.
The tax share in the added cost of production is connected with the wage share, rates of return and amortization, and capital and output coefficients. The maximum permissible level of tax load and its optimum level are determined using the Laffer cumulative effect. Refs.: 1 titles.

UDC 681.3:330.3:340.1
State standard informational and analytical system of protecting the rights to intellectual property in Ukraine-formation, modern condition / Kosolapov V.L., Otrishko O.V., Petruk N.P. // Mathematical Machines and Systems.  2006.  N 1.  P. 66 – 80.
Particularly important moment in the given time in Ukraine is boardening the system of state regulating by rights onto intellectual property objects. Efficiency of the activity, inculcated in the state intellectual property safety system, creating informationally-analytical systems of registrating and controling intellectual property on the base of progressive informational technologies to a considerable state depends on subsequent developing level of accodance of home legislation to international standards in this sphere to the state of developing the state institutions of regulating the activities in sphere of protecting and defending intellectual property developing the state institutions of regulating the activities developing transfer system of technologies, making innovationally-investment spheres and so on and so forth. In the article there have been adduced the stages of the making intellectual property protecting. There have been considered informational and administrative streams in the systems of management of intellectual property sphere regulation organs. Figs.: 2. Refs.: 4 titles.

UDC 681.3
Software package of the support of document management system on the base of processes’ models / Krukovskiy M.Yu. // Mathematical Machines and Systems. – 2006. – N 1. – Р. 81 – 92.
This paper describes software package that is based on the author’s theoretical base of composite document management. In this package there were used formal models based on graphs and automates and language based on JAVA. Implemented system allows to solve complex modern tasks of composite document management. Fig.: 1. Tabl.: 1. Refs.: 8 titles.

UDC 621.396.4
Analysis of effectiveness of the data transition systems with multiposition FSK in impulse hindrances / Antonov V.V., Pauk S.M. // Mathematical Machines and Systems. – 2006. – N 1. – P. 93 – 98.
Effectiveness of technology of segmentation using analysis for digital subscriber line (DSL) is analyzed. Analytical models which permits to estimate orthogonal signals using in the dependence on parameters and condition of DSL work are offered. Figs.: 2. Tabl.: 4. Refs.: 7 titles.

UDC 519.682.1: 681.32
Synthesis-basis of the ideal of structure of scientific theory language / Kurgaev О.Р. // Mathematical Machines and Systems. – 2006. – N 1. – P. 99 – 112.
Some approximation to semantic model of ideal structure of scientific theory language has been synthesized. This approximation combines consistently pithiness and formality. The results are coordinated with famous results that don’t raise author’s doubts. The language structure of scientific theory consists of three blocks – signs, syntax and semantics of scientific theory languages. The each block structure is a hierarchical net of identical modules. The blocks are intercommunicated with each other, with sign image source-receiver and real world. Each module functioning is determined by solution tasks of analysis and synthesis of structure of some information presentation. Figs.: 8. Refs.: 35 titles.

UDC 519.1
Building of the colour discrete images on the plane / Aselderov Z.M., Samer I.M. Alshalame // Mathematical Machines and Systems. – 2006. – N 1. – P. 113 – 120.
It is decided the problem about building the colour discrete images on the rectangular field with the help of standard microimages, which are named by templates. Templates may be put on the field, or against each other accordingly rules of binary operation of summing. The problem comes to decision of the system of the linear equations in a residue class on the finite modulus equal to the number of using colours. Matrix of the system has great size, but the decision is performed untraditionally owing to local characteristics of templates. Figs.: 4. Refs. : 3 titles.

UDC 004.9:504:519.6
Management support system on the water quality control in Ingulets River based on the one-dimensional water dynamics and solution transport equations // Donchyts G.V., Dzyuba N.N., Zheleznyak M.Y., Treebushnyy D.M. // Mathematical Machines and System. – 2006. – N 1. – P. 121 – 133.
Management support system was developed to control water quality management in Ingulets River basin. The system allows selecting the best periods for mine water releases and ecologically favorable water releases of Kahovka HPP. The above mentioned releases have big influence on the pollution of the lower Ingulets and Dnipro rivers. Modeling block of the system is based on a numerical solution of the one-dimensional Saint-Venant equations, which describe hydraulic characteristics of the river stream, and on a numerical solution of the advection and diffusion pollution transport equations. The above equations were solved using a high-order conservative finite-difference method based on the TVD/MUSCL numerical scheme. Software implementation of the system was done using C++ programming language. The results of a system tests were done using measured data of the chlorides concentration in the Ingulets River basin. It was shown that water quality in the lower Ingulets and Dnieper River during polluted water releases from the mines can be improved by selection of the best favorable regimes of the water releases on the Kahovka HPP dam. Graphical interface of the system was developed using COM technologies and Microsoft Excel application taking into account recommendations from the State Water Committee of Ukraine which uses the system in the time of yearly releases of the polluted mine water. Figs.: 8. Refs.: 12 titles.


UDC 681.32.019
Conception of building dependable computer systems / Tesler G.S. // Mathematical Machines and Systems. – 2006. – N 1. – P. 134 – 145.
In the paper the conception of building dependable computer systems with taking into account the conceptual positions, elaborated at the last time. Side by side with understanding the term dependability as system and functional reliability it integrates in itself such notions as simple reliability, survivability, availability safety and so on. Existent conception of dependability is completed by regulations, following from cybernetic approach and cinergetic. Fig.: 1. Refs.: 37 titles.

UDC 62 – 192.003
Definition of confidential intervals probability of non-failure operation on the basis of use ing distribution / Strelnikov V.P., Egorov S.V. // Mathematical Machines and Systems. – 2006. – N 1. – P. 146 – 149.
The mathematical device is developed and expressions for confidential intervals (boundary estimations) probabilities of non-failure operation of objects are received on the basis of using distribution. Refs.: 6 titles.

UDC 681.3.019.3
Calculation of reliability of structures such as on the basis of a method of functions of casual arguments / Dgassim Muhamed Kasmy // Mathematical Machines and Systems. – 2006. – N 1. – P. 150 – 155.
Design procedures of reliability of system such as are submitted on the basis of a method of functions of casual arguments with application of various approximating functions of distribution ( Weybull, exponential). It is shown, that quantitative estimations of parameters of reliability depending on the accepted function of distribution have an essential divergence (up to 200 %). Refs.: 4 titles.

UDC 681.32.019.3
To a question on statistical modeling of reliability / Fedukhin О.V., Cespedes-Garcia N.V. // Mathematical Machines and Systems. – 2006. – N 1. – P. 156 – 163.
Generators of the random numbers distributed according to DN-distribution, exponential distribution, lognormal distribution and distribution Weibull are developed. Their characteristics of accuracy, stability, independence and speed are investigated. Tabl.: 2. Figs.: 6. Refs.: 2 titles.

       Last modified: May 18, 2010