Mathematical Machines and Systems. 2005 #4



UDC 007:075.8:518.5:519.7:618.5:681.3
New cybernetics fundamental science about general laws of the information interaction / Tesler G.S. // Mathematical Machines and Systems. – 2005. – N 4. – P. 3 – 14.
In the paper the new cybernetics is discussed as fundamental science about general laws and models of the information interaction and influence in the processes and phenomena proceeding in live, unlive and artificial nature. The new cybernetics is based on the general theory of the systems,  the law of keeping the information, hierarchical balance, laws of the evolution  development and degradation and so on, and also on semiotics, cinergetics and other scientific disciplines.    Analysis of the received laws and models allows to penetrate in the nature of the learned processes and phenomena.  Be guided by these laws and models they may be used in practical interests and also for prognosis purposes. New cybernetics is the successor of N. Viner’s and V. Glushkov’s cybernetics. Refs.: 16 titles.

UDC 004.032.26 + 004.22
Properties of coarse coding with random hyperrectangle receptive fields / Slipchenko S.V., Misuno I.S., Rachkovskij D.A. // Mathematical Machines and Systems. – 2005. – N  4. – P. 15 – 29.
Properties of coarse coding with random hyperrectangle receptive fields are considered for two schemes: random subspace coding RSC and Prager. Following codes characteristics are provided: effective receptive fields  dimensionality, code density distribution in the input space, code overlap, and others. The results of theoretical analysis are confirmed by experiments. Tabl.: 2. Figs: 6. Refs.: 19 titles.

 UDC 004.421.2:519.17
About speed increasing of forming minimal spanning tree algorithms / Pogorelyy S.D., Kamardina O.O., Kordash Yu.S. // Mathematical Machines and Systems. – 2005. – N 4. – P. 30 – 38.
Prim’s and Kruskal’s sequential algorithms are formalized, which regular schemes are built. A method for paralleling is suggested and parallel regular schemes of algorithms are formalized for realization on cluster architectures. Figs.: 4. Refs.: 5 titles.


UDC 680.3
Model of transformation of the information in a cycle of management of complex system // Koss V.A. // Mathematical Machines and System. – 2005. – N 3. – P. 39 – 47.
In the paper the approaches to construction of universal cyclic information model of process of management of complex system from a position of cybernetics are stated. The material of clause gives the designers of Systems of Support of Acceptance of the Decisions and theorists of cybernetics the tool of system research and designing. The offered structure of a cycle of procedures of management can become a basis for integration of already saved experience in the field of cybernetics and system approach to state reforming. Figs.: 4. Refs.: 17 titles.

 UDC 519.862
A mechanism of calculating wage and property taxes / Alekseyev A.A. // Mathematical Machines and Systems. – 2005. – N 4. – Р. 48 – 54.
Well-known problems of labor activity and tax policy are considered under the conditions of differentiation of the incomes of workers with taking into account the necessary relation between the expenditures of living labor and previous labor (capital). New problems are formulated in the form of systems of nonlinear equations. Figs.: 2. Refs.: 2 titles.

 UDC 51:155.001.57:681.3.06
About the efficiency estimation of the “list” memory organization for CAS implementation / Klimenko V.P., Fishmant J.S., Kondrashov S.V. Shatkovskyy D. O., Shvaluсk T.M // Mathematical Machines and Systems. –  2005. – N 4. – P. 55 – 61.
The paper is devoted to the problems of memory organization while implementing the computer algebra systems. The alternative approaches to the memory organization based upon the principle “heap” and the nested and chained lists are analyzed. The bounds of effective using the indicated methods are estimated theoretically.The “heap” memory organization is proved to be more effective by the processing speed and the memory usage. The way the effectiveness depends on the used method operation factors and technical resources is shown. By the example of the language Analytic-2000 implementation the way in which the results depend on the garbage collection implementation is described. Figs.: 7. Refs.: 7 titles.

 UDC 621.396
Stochastic method of prediction of conflict situation and aircraft collision / Vasylyev V.M. // Mathematical Machines and Systems. – 2005. – N 4. – P. 62 – 71.
The generalized stochastic method of prediction of conflict probability and aircraft collision is considered, and also its practical application with taking into account a probability character of factors causing an aircraft deviation from planned trajectory parameters, and correlation dependence of deviations in time, which are described by Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process. The multi-dimensional stochastic equation of relative aircraft movement is derived, and the coefficients of a differential operator for a practical resolution of a parabolic partial equation are determined which give an evaluation of probability of a conflict in prediction time interval. The procedure of conflict probability prediction is given. Fig.: 1. Refs: 9 titles.

UDC 681.3.06, 519.8
The algorithm of E-nets’ parallel execution and synchronization / Lytvynov V.V., Kazymyr V.V., Havsiyevych I.B. // Mathematical Machines and Systems. – 2005. – N 4. –  P. 73 – 84.
The paper is devoted to theoretical and practical problems of performing E-nets imitation models with using conservative approach. The E-nets transition’s algorithm and sequential scheduler’s algorithm were formalized. The parallel processes of transitions and scheduler were marked out and described on Hoare’s CSP language. Tabl.: 5. Figs.: 8. Refs.: 9 titles.

UDC 004932:621.396
The algorithm of the  recognition of the  contours of the binary images as a sequence of digital straight segment / Vlasova T.M., Kalmykov V.G. // Mathematical Machines and Systems. – 2005. – N 4. – P. 85 – 96.
In the given work the algorithm of the  recognition of the  digital direct line segment in contours of the binary images  and the software implementation of the algorithm is considered. Utilization of this algorithm to process the images will result to more natural and economical description in comparison with known ways of the description of the images. The considered algorithm and the software implementation can be used also for the description of contours when processing the half-tone and colour images. Figs.: 2. Refs.: 4 titles.

 UDC  875.56.035
Determination of the necessary amount of the air liners of  Ukraine inner lines in prediction period / Kozlyuk I.О. // Mathematical Machines and Systems. – 2005. – N 4. – P. С. 97 – 110.
The necessary amount of the air liners on Ukraine inner lines in prediction period is presented. It provides the maximal satisfaction of the requirements of the passengers by aviation traffics. The given accounts are a basis for definition investments on manufacture of required number of air courts, as the maintenance of a domestic air industry can be partially supplied at the expense of deliveries of machines for internal lines. Tabl.: 2. Figs.: 5. Refs.: 8 tites.

 UDC  621.8:681.5
A review of algorithms and decisions of grade estimation pedestrian optical systems / Kussul M.E., Sadova О.G., Sitchov О.S. // Mathematical Machines and Systems. – 2005. – N 4. – P. 111 – 117.
The article is devoted to a review of pedestrian recognition optical systems. An urgency of their development is proved.  An input data types and image processing algorithms used in the systems are considered. Problems arisen during creation of such systems are described.  A problem of grade estimation and comparison test are considered separately.  Figs.: 3. Refs.: 23 titles.

UDC 681.3
Corporate information systems: survivability maintenance / Dodonov O.G., Fleytman D.V. // Mathematical Machines and System. – 2005. – N 4. – P.118 – 130.
Analysis of corporate information systems from the point of view of survivability maintenance is carried out. Tasks of survivability maintenance system for different components of corporate information systems are considered. Basic structure of survivability maintenance system for corporate information system is proposed. Figs.: 6. Refs.: 8 titles.

 UDC 510.5
Radar station of air (sea) basing working in dynamically complex external conditions / Klimenko V.P., Voloboev V.P., Losev V.D. // Mathematical Machines and Systems. – 2005. – N 4. – P.131 – 142.
In article influence of dynamically complex conditions on work of a two-coordinate radar station of the circular review of air (sea) basing is considered. The mathematical model of work of antenna radar is resulted. As a result of researching work of computer model of the antenna the factors influencing on work radar station are detemined. It is shown, that it is necessary to consider these factors at application radar station for the decision of modern tasks of system of supervision and the control of surface conditions over a sea economic zone. Figs.: 4. Refs.: 5 titles.


UDC 681.324
The system analysis of the reliability of intellectual networks wideband transport platform functioning / Lastovchenko M.M., Bilyak V.I., Rusetskiy V.E. // Mathematical Machines and Systems. – 2005. – N 4. – P. 143 – 151.
The criteria of reliability of network functioning determine by its connectivity and virtuality are resulted. The model of reproduction of functioning process and an example illustrating of system analysis results is presented. Tabl.: 1. Figs.: 4. Refs.: 20 titles.

UDC 681.3.019.3
Use of serial statistics in tasks of an estimation of reliability of reserved systems / Azarskov V.N., Dgassim Muchamed Kasmi, Strelnikov V.P. // Mathematical Machines and Systems. – 2005. – N 4. – P. 151 – 156.
The question of calculation of reliability of parallel systems with the loaded reserve is investigated. The technique of definition of the law of distribution of an operating time to refusal of those systems is developed on the basis of use of serial statistics. The offered law allows to calculate all necessary parameters of reliability. Adequacy of estimations of parameters of reliability of parallel systems is shown on the basis of an offered method.  Tabl.: 1. Figs.: 2. Refs.: 2 titles.

UDC 002:658.516+658.562
Questions of productivity and efficiency of implementing systems of a quality management / Strelnikov P.V. // Mathematical Machines and Systems. – 2005. – N 4. – P. 157 – 161.
In article the questions of productivity and efficiency of implementing a quality management systems (QMS) are determined. The basic arguments for the benefit of implementing QMS are designated.  The economic benefit of implementing QMS is considered on a concrete example. Tabl.: 1. Fig.: 1. Refs.: 4 titles.

       Last modified: May 18, 2010