Mathematical Machines and Systems. 2002 #2



 UDC 681.518:681.3.016 Users inquiry competition in a computing system for computation realization / Demidenko O.M., Maksimey I.V. // Mathematical Machines and Systems. - 2001. - N2. - Р.3-9.
Actuality of imitational experiment with models securing a high detalization level of computation and taking into account users inuquiry competetion in a computing system for computation realization has been defined. Computation formalization under software modules competition in a central processor has been given. The results of modeling and two variants of computation parameters comparison (with and without competition in a computation system) have been described. The possibility of the "multiprocessing effect" in a uni-processing computation system under computation modelling with traditional imitational means and methods of mass service theory has been shown on experiments. Tabl.: 2. Figs.: 2. Refs.: 7 titles.

UDC 681.3 The main directions of works on problem orientation of computer sets / А.F. Kurgayev // Mathematical Machines and Systems.- 2002.- N2.- P.10-28.
The paper overviews main operation results and promising directions of investigations on problem orientation of computer sets. The presented references to the sources are used as the examples in many cases. These examples confirm the author's own views about achievements and trends of development of this investigation direction. The corresponding conclusions are finished by assertions that it is necessary to keep on developing a logical knowledge representation model, that a computer set with a new architecture should include knowledge processing and data processing environments, which solve a unique information processing problem during their interaction, and that a computer set should be equipped with a designing-type knowledge representation system. Refs.: 127 titles.


UDC 681.3.06 The main tendencies of developments of languages of computer algebra system / Klimenko V.P., Lyakhov A.L., Fishman J.S.// Mathematical Machines and Systems. - 2002. -N2. - P.29-64.
Brief review, analysis of main properties and tendencies of development of modern systems of computer algebra as effective means of the numerical - analytical decision of scientific and applied problems of a diverse theme is given. Significance of interactive and automatic methods of the decision of scientific -applied problems is shown. The tendency of an increase of significance of automatic methods is determined. Communication of modern systems of computer algebra with development of artificial intelligence intelligence. Tabl.:1. Figs.: 3. Refs: 26 titles.

UDC 681.3 Using nontraditional logics under determination of aeronavigational information without conflicts / Belyaev A.G. / Mathematical Machines and Systems. -2001. -N 2. -P.65-74.
The classification of some conflicts in aeronavigational information used in en-route charts. Conflicts are presented in formal fashion with the help of logic of object's mutual location. Examples of program realization are given in the form of completeness and consistency checking functions. These functions are implemented in maintenance system of aeronavigational databases. Figs.: 5. Refs.: 3 titles.

УДК 621.391: 621.396 Dopler's effect in complex motion conditions / Gorban I.I. // Mathematical Machines and Systems. - 2002. - N 2. - P.75-82.
Dopler's effect in complex motion of antennas and target is researched. The formulae linking the frequency of received oscillations with the frequency changes of emitted oscillations and the motion parameters of corresponding elements are obtained. Figs.: 2. Refs.: 11 titles.

UDC 681.3.12 Using the expert estimation for quality estimation on the base of the multiparametric dependences / Voloshin O.F., Panchenko M.V. // Mathematical Machines and Systems. - 2002. - N2. - P.83-89.
The methodology of diagnostic of the unstable process development on the base of the expert information concerning the development of the separate parameters, which exert influence on the result of the prognostication. It is described the system (algebraic and program means) of integrating expert estimation, which may be given in illegible form in the tree of decision and its processings. The illustrative example of the system usage is adduced. Fig.: 1. Refs: 8.

UDС 515.126.2:519.237.5 Technology of science robust estimation of regression models coefficients for non-standard areas of factor space with linear limits / Radchenko S.G. // Mathematical Machines and Systems. - 2002. - N 2. - P.90-96.
The conditions and RASTA5 algorithm in robust estimation of regression models coefficients in conditions of initial multicollinearity of the factors are stated. It is offered to use a method of topological mapping (homeomorphism) a design of experiment prototype in an image of mathematical modeling. It is shown, that at linear limits of non-standard areas of factors space, the linear figures of a prototype design of experiment are mapped linearly in an image of mathematical modeling. Probably robust estimation of models coefficients 1Јcond<10 in conditions for significant multicollinearity of the factors - 0,6 < | r (Xiо, Xjо) | < 1. Tabl.: 1. Figs: 4. Refs.: 3 titles.

UDC 681.3 Methodology of construction of interactive geoinformation complexes of operation interaction / Wasyukhin M.I. // Mathematical machines and systems.- 2002.- N2.- Р.97-103.
In the paper the methodology of interactive geoinformational complexes construction for operation interaction interplay grounded on federating system W.M.Glushkov and function - structural approaches is offered. The process of designing represents a series of parallel-sequential analysis stages and synthesizing of components for the complex representing combination of intuitive and formal (algorithmic) methods. Figs.: 2. Refs.: 5 titles.

UDC 681.3 Situation modeling of economic transgression of the low /Alekseev A.A. // Mathematical Machines and Systems.-2002.-N 2. - P.104-111.
The mathematical management models for money means of commersants. The manipulation of prices provided to our loses of home industrials. It is described the estimation mode of consequences of delay indexing property value and assignment of advantages in crediting. Refs: 13 titles.

UDK 681.3 The Using of Real-Time Duration Logic for Simulation of Potentialy Dangerous Object Control Systems / Lytvynov V.V.,Kazymyr V.V., Dyachenko V.V. // Mathematical Machines and Systems.- 2002. - N2. - P. 112-121.
Experience of Duration Calculus using for modeling program control system critical according to reliability are described. Transformation layers are considered in series from reliability requirement specifications to their realization in the framework of distributed architecture. Tabl.:1. Fig:4. Refs.: 6 titles.

UDC 681.012:332.1:330.3:340.1 The methodical approaches and system aspects of territorial - administrative reform in Ukraine / Morozov А. A., Kosolapov V. L., Superson V. I. // Mathematical machines and systems. - 2002. - №. - P.122-137.
The approaches in reforming the modern administrative structure of Ukraine and basic compounds of modern regional policy are reviewed from stands of system analysis. The role of regions in control of social and economic processes on places is determined from scientific stands and it is shown, that the process of formation of regions is called by life, it self and it will influence on a level of a controllability by national economy, on solution of many social-political, legal and economical problems, and becomes an actual way of improvement of an economical condition of state and direction of important of securing stability in society. It is shown, that as a whole scientific approach of organization of control by social and economic processes of regions in conditions of development of market attitude envisions the solution of problems of joining of national and regional interests on proper legislative - normative base. The given process, connected with development of the acts, which would contour legal statuses of regions of the different levels in budget and tax spheres, control of state and municipal property, in implementation of the land reform, state branch and regional programs. It is shown that such processes should base on application of simulation of a social and economic situation. From the point of view of the informational - analytical approach, the regional economics cannot be esteemed as its insulated part, accordingly. It is illegitimately to reduce in absolute economical independence of regions - it has bodily definite limits both with formal (analytical), and practical stands. Figs.: 5. Refs.: 18 titles.

UDC 681.3 Ukraine's patent system is a component port of the international system of industry property security / Otrishko O.V. // Mathematical machines and systems. - 2002. - №. - P.138-155.
The notion and the subject of the industry property right, the notion and the subject of the patent right, sources and normative - rightful act in the Ukraine in the sphere of patent right are considered. The programs of adaptation of national legislation to ES standards and normative-rightful acts, that regulate rightful relation in the sphere of patent right in Ukraine are considered too. The efficiency of security system of intelligent property in Ukraine and other countries is analyzed. The common estimation of the problems of intelligent property security in Ukraine is given. The conclusions are maken and the propositions are given. Refs.: 5 titles.

UDC 681.23 Two-sided numerical methods of inhomogeneous equation of Fredgolm's type of (o, m) order /Alexeyeva L.V. Kalayda O.F., Klimenko R.K. // Mathematical Machines and Systems.-2002-N2.-P. 156-162.
In the paper the two-sided numerical methods of the decision of linear one-dimensional inhomogeneous integrodifferential equation of (o, m) order with fixed limits of the integration by bringing them to corresponding integral equations of Fredgolm's type are built; the conditions of two-sided characteristics of these methods are researched; the estimation of the arrow of the method is adduced. The example, which illustrates the described method and confirms the efficiency of the proposed algorithms is considered. Refs.: 4 titles.

UDC 617.753.2 Structure and function's unity eye as system / Rykov S. A. // Mathematical Machines and Systems. - 2002. -N 2 . - P.163-167.
An element informative eye model is evaluated as a system with more deep analysis of the optical subsystem. The scheme of control of the refraction is created. Two different ways in the control system of the refraction are considered that correspond to the biological regulation of the eye as a system. Figs.: 3. Refs: 8 titles.

UDC 681.086 Transformation means by rules in a system of computer algebra / Klimenko V.P., Fishman J.S., Shvaluck T.N. //
Mathematical machines and systems. - 2002. -N 2. - P.168-175.
In the article statement of a problem and main ideas of algorithm of transformation means by rules of algorithm language АNALITIC-2000 is described. The problem of automatic application of the formulas is target setting and realized in a general kind for a wide class of objects. The procedure is realized in a structure of a system of computer algebra АNALITIC-2000.Figs.: 1. Refs: 23 titles.


 UDC 681.3 "The conception of the creation of the computer means with high level of fault tolerate / Tesler G. S. // Mathematical Machines and systems. - 2002. - N 2.- P. 176-183.
The base principies of building of computer means with high level of fault - tolerance, which are based on the analysis of the means and mechanisms of providing high level reliability and stability of the biological systems with taking into account the generalized law of mirror symmetry. It is offered the minimax multicriterial criterion of the efficiency LMR. It is shown, that for achieving the high level of fault - tolerance LMR the wide spectrum of redundancy kinds, which are laid into element -technological, organizing information and algorithmic, are used. Tabl.:2. Refbs.: 15 titles.

UDC 621.382 Self-similar of accelerated tests on reliability/ Fedukhin A.V..// Mathematical Machines and Systems.- 2002.- N 2.- P.184-192.
The conditions of maintenance Self-similar are reviewed when realizing accelerated tests on reliability. It is pointed, under hyperthermal tests of items of an electron technology usage of a linear hypothesis is not valid. Figs.:3. Refs.: 14 titles.


UDC 681.3 Micro-robots against submarines / Shevhenko A., Yashchenko V. // Mathematical machines and systems. - 2002. - №2 -P.193-204.
In job the failures on the Russian submarines are considered and the hypothesis of the reasons causing this failure is put forward. Within the framework of this hypothesis the condition robotics of technologies in the world and Ukraine is considered (examined). The conclusion about necessity of development of this direction for Ukraine is proved. . Refbs.: 23 titles.

       Last modified: May 18, 2010