Genadiy S. Tesler

(1935 - 2009)

Doctor of the Technical Sciences Candidate of physics
and mathematics sciences
The birthday - 06.06.1935 Zmerinka, Vinnitskaya oblast, Ukraine.

Education and scientific degrees:

- candidate of physical and mathematical sciences on speciality theoretical cybernetics, 1970, Kiev, Institute of Cybernetics NAS of UR;

- doctor of the technical sciences on speciality mathematical and software of the computers, systems and nets, 1995, Kiev, IPMMS of NAS of Ukraine.

Higher education: Kiev State University by T.G. Shevchenko, mechanic-mathematical faculty on speciality computer mathematician.

Professional career:

- chief research worker (from 1997 up to that time);

- head of the scientific research department (1992-1997);

G.S. Tesler

- had worked out the theoretical bases of the adaptive approximation of functions on the base: generalized expansions of functions on disparancies, using new norms of errors of calculations diminution of constant of asymptotics of  iteration formulae of the random order of similarity and using generalized functional equations also;

- had got important for theory and practice results in acceleration of the calculations as at the expense of the adaptation to the external and internal conditions of using, so at the expence of using different methods and means of the intensification of the process of calculations;

- had input in discussing such means as improving of element-technological, information, organization and algorithmic bases of the computer technique;

- has worked out theoretical bases of the evolution development of computer means, using for the prediction of their development. In the base of these predictions the following generalization are put: the principle of mixed extremum, laws of bilaterial symetry, dynamical balance and others;

- had worked out the conception of building dynamicaly balanced social-ecological postindustrial information society;

- had formulated the postulate about information interaction in living, essential and artificial systems;

- had proposed the bases of postcybernetics - the role of semiotic information in the process and phenomena, taking place in the system of essential and artificial nature.

G.S. Tesler is the author of more than 120 scientific works, among which monographs:

1. Computing of the elementary functions on computer. - Kiev: Technika, 1977, 208 p. (co-autor  Blagoveshchenskiy).

2. Approximation of the functions for the technical applications. - Kiev: Naukova dumka, 1980. - 352 p. (co-autor B.A. Popov).

3. Data processing in computer systems and nets. - Kiev: Technika, 1980. - 232p. (co-autor Petrenko).
   Basic aspects of the new cybernetics, as a legitimate successor to the cybernetics of N. Viener, informatics, and computer science, on the new stage of their development, are presented. The main attention in the book is paid to the informational interaction and influence in the living, non-living, and artificial nature, as well as to the laws of evolutionary development, which serve as a basis for the prognosis of processes and events. The processes of globalization of the society are investigated, and a concept of the creation of a dynamically balanced post-industrial information-social society is proposed. The processes of evolutionary development of computer means and intensification of computations are described in detail. The universality of influence of the laws of nature is demonstrated on an example of adaptive approximations and computations based on the formulae with a feedback.
     The postulate about information interaction and influence, as well as the methodology of investigation of evolutionary processes in the objects of different natures constitute the basis of the book.     
    The book is oriented on the engineers, technicians, scientists and students engaged in cybernetics, informatics, and computer science, and who are also interested in social-economic problems. 
Guide  books

1. Function computer evaluation. - Kiev: Naukova dumka, 1984. - 600 p. (co-autor B.A. Popov).

2. Guide-dictionary of the ASC terms. - Moscow: Radio and connection (Радио и связь), 1990. - 128 p. (co-autors V.I. Vyun, A.A. Kobozev).

Monograps and guide - books reviews are in the following magazines: Visnik AN URSR. (№6, 1985 - Kyiv), Upravlayushchie machini i systemi (Control Machines and Systems (УсиМ, №5, 1985 - Kiev), JMF i FM (№9, 1987 - Moskva), Matematics of Computation (55 ?197, jul, 1990, New York, USA - review K.S. Kolbig).
       Last modified: Mar 11, 2010